Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (2024)

Follow this step-by-step new user guide to get started using your database!

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (1)

Welcome a'baud! Let's introduce you to the amazing resources at your fingertips now that you're live with Raiser's Edge NXT. We'll reference these throughout this Get Started Guide as we explore must-see resources for the topics we'll cover. For more information on how to use these resources, check out the Resource Guide on this page.

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (2)Customer Success Sessions

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (3)How-to Documentation
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (4)Blackbaud Community

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (5)Knowledgebase

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (6)Chat with Support

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (7)Blackbaud University instructor-led training (available through a Blackbaud Learn subscription)*

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (8)Blackbaud University free eLearning*

*Our Blackbaud University courses are organized into learning paths. Each recommended training will be linked to the full learning path. From there, you can view the suggested course.

This ten-step guide will get you ready to start using Raiser's Edge NXT to its fullest potential:

Step 1

Get Access to Raiser's Edge NXT and So Much More

The first thing you’ll need to do to harness the goodness of Raiser’s Edge NXT is log in! One key to logging into Raiser’s Edge NXT is setting up your Blackbaud ID, if you haven’t done so already. We’ll also familiarize you with the two views of Raiser’s Edge NXT.Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (9)
How to create a Blackbaud ID
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (10)One Solution, Two Views
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (11)Jointhe Raiser's Edge NXT Community

Take it to the NXT Level
If youare the administrator for your organization, you might also be responsible for inviting users to Raiser’s Edge NXT and assigning them to security roles and groups. You’ll find a review of these steps below.
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (12) Logging In and Adding a New User
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (13) How to Add a User to Raiser's Edge
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (14) Basics of Security (15 minutes)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (15) Introduction to Database Administration Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (16)Effective Database Administration**Some courses have pre-requisites. We highly recommend taking the Fundamentals courses or earning your Fundamentals Certification (the test is free!)

Step 2

Constituents Make the World Go 'Round

One of the first keys to Raiser’s Edge NXT success is ensuring that you are effectively tracking your supporters and taking advantage of built-in analytics to keep your data clean. Constituents, and the other record types, are the backbone of Raiser’s Edge NXT, so ensuring these records are properly maintained is a must!Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (17)Basics of Records(15 minutes)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (18)
Basics of Ratings(15 minutes)

Take it to the NXT Level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (19)
Fundamentals - Work Center(Web View)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (20)
Constituent Updates*
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (21)Strategies for Duplicate Management
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (22)Get Started with Automated AddressFinder
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (23)Database Health and Administration*
*Some courses have pre-requisites. We highly recommend taking the Fundamentals courses or earning your Fundamentals Certification (the test is free!)

Step 3

Work Your Work Center

One of the most valuable features of Raiser’s Edge NXT is the new and improved work center. Your work center offers easy access to all the relationships and activity assigned to you as a fundraiser, so that you can stay on top of your open opportunities and next steps. Take the next steps to ensure your work center is set up properly so you can focus your fundraising energy where it matters.Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (24)Are you set up as a fundraiser? Follow these steps to make yourself a fundraiser. (Note: You need a constituent record in the database before you can be a fundraiser! Learn how to add an individual constituent here.)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (25)
Quickly assign constituents to your portfolio by following these steps.
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (26)
Basics of Fundraising(15 minutes)

Take it to the NXT Level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (27)
Power Your Fundraising with Actions and Opportunities

Step 4

Streamline Your Gift Processing

The primary goal of your fundraising efforts is the money you raise toward your mission. Are you streamlining your gift processing so that it is ready to scale? There are two different ways to batch gifts – one simple option is in Web View. This approach is best for entering one-time or recurring gifts, or when you don’t have complex data entry needs like custom fields. For other gift types and more complex gift entry needs, take it to the NXT level and learn how to batch in Database View. Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (28)
How to Add a Batch of Gifts(Web View)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (29) Entering Gifts in Batches (Web View)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (30)Streamline Your Gifts Processing with Receipt Management
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (31) How to Prepare Donor Acknowledgement Letters

Take it to the NXT Level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (32)
How to Create a Gift Batch
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (33) Fundamentals - Gift Management (Web View)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (34) Batch (Database View)*
*Some courses have pre-requisites. We highly recommend taking the Fundamentals courses or earning your Fundamentals Certification (the test is free!)

Step 5

Accelerate Your Online Giving

Now that you’re familiar with gift processing in Raiser's Edge NXT, let’s take it online! Raiser’s Edge NXT provides you with two different integrated options for accepting online donations: NXT donation forms and Online Express. Similar to what we saw with batches, NXT donation forms are best for accepting one-time or recurring gifts, while Online Express supports pledges, tribute giving, and collection of custom gift fields. With either option, you can quickly generate an easily embeddable donation form that feeds donations directly into your Raiser's Edge NXT database. Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (35)
Donation Forms in Raiser's Edge NXT
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (36) Basics of Blackbaud Online ExpressOnline Express How-To Site

Take it to the NXT Level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (38)
Donation Forms: Raiser's Raiser's Edge vs. Online Express
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (39) Online Donation Forms*
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (40) Insights and Best Practices for Using New Raiser's Edge NXT Donation Forms
*Some courses have pre-requisites. We highly recommend taking the Fundamentals courses or earning your Fundamentals Certification (the test is free!)

Step 6

Get an Education on Segmentation

Now that you’ve completed the first five steps, you have a pretty good idea of how to enter data into Raiser's Edge NXT… but can you get it back out? Raiser's Edge NXT Lists and Query are two powerful ways of doing just that. Check out these resources to get an education on segmentation in Raiser's Edge NXT. Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (41)
Basics of Lists
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (42) Basics of Query Take it to the NXT Level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (43) Love It or LIST It
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (44) Fundamentals-Query (Database View)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (45) Who wore it best? Lists vs. Query

Step 7

Drive Your Fundraising with Better Reporting

To increase the impact on your mission and inform your next steps, it's important to keep your finger on the pulse of your organization's fundraising efforts. Raiser’s Edge NXT offers a multitude of preconfigured and custom reporting options, both in Web View and Database View. Check out the resources below to get started!Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (46)
Basics of Reporting(Web View)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (47) Basics of Reports (Database View)

Take it to the NXT Level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (48)Basics of Data Extraction(Database View)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (49)Actionable Reporting(Database View)*
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (50)Fundamentals - Lists and Dashboards(Web View)
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (51)Who wore it best? Database View Reports vs. Web View Reporting
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (52)Fast Wins with Insight Designer and Report Builder
*Some courses have pre-requisites. We highly recommend taking the Fundamentals courses or earning your Fundamentals Certification (the test is free!)

Step 8

Power Your Marketing and Outreach

Marketing and outreach efforts help you acquire donors, cultivate prospects and volunteers, and invite others to join your organization’s mission. Raiser's Edge NXT enables you to do just this through various channels – mail, email, and social media. Are you making the most of these features to effectively communicate with your constituents? Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (53)
Basics of Mail
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (54)Basics of Email
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (55)Basics of Social Posting Take it to the NXT Level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (56) Learn more about Email
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (57) Learn more about Social Posting
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (58) Deciding between Online Express and Raiser's Edge NXT Email Marketing
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (59) Raiser's Edge NXT: Email*
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (60) Generating Exports*

*Some courses have pre-requisites. We highly recommend taking the Fundamentals courses or earning your Fundamentals Certification (the test is free!)

Step 9

Work Smarter with Workflow Designer

Now that you’re up to speed on emails and actions, the next skill you’ll want in your toolkit is Workflow Designer. Workflow Designer allows you to set up simple workflows to automate processes that you might be managing manually right now – think email automation and moves management. Check out the resources below to dive in! Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (61)
Learn more about Workflows
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (62)Automating Actions for Moves Management in Raiser's Edge NXT
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (63)Using Workflows to automate emails

Take it to the NXT level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (64)
Work Smarter with Workflow Designer
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (65)Raiser's Edge NXT Workflows*
*Some courses have pre-requisites. We highly recommend taking the Fundamentals courses or earning your Fundamentals Certification (the test is free!)

Step 10

Advance Your Fundraising with Raiser's Edge NXT Events

Many organizations leverage events to boost their annual fundraising or further engagement with their supporters. Learn more about how Raiser's Edge NXT can support your event and participant tracking needs with these resources below: Get Started
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (66)
Basics of Events
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (67)Learn more about Events

Take it to the NXT Level
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (68)Raiser's Edge NXT Basic Events: Making Events Simpler
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (69) Raiser's Edge NXT Events*
Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (70)Raiser's Edge NXT or Online Express Registration Forms: Which one is right for you?
*Some courses have pre-requisites. We highly recommend taking the Fundamentals courses or earning your Fundamentals Certification (the test is free!)

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (71)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (72)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (73)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (74)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (75)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Resource Guide

On-Demand Webinars

These recorded webinars are created by the Blackbaud Customer Success team to walk you through the features and functions of Raiser's Edge NXT that you'll want to use the most, and how to use them effectively and efficiently.


Blackbaud University training is here to help with step-by-step instruction of features and functions. Go at your own pace with free bite-sized eLearning, or if you have access to a Learn subscription, take a live instructor-led course with a sample database.


Use the Knowledgebase to find articles with step-by-step instructions on how to perform specific tasks in your database.

How-To Documentation

Refer to How-To Documents for information on features and functions, and how they can be best utilized.


The Blackbaud Community is a great place to connect with others who use your Blackbaud solution. Ask questions or search the community for how your peers are using their database successfully.


If you need help with technical issues or troubleshooting, chat with support to get things back on track.

Now available on-demand.

Watch now

“I wanted information that would not only help us find principal gift and major gift donors, but that would help us across our entire portfolio, including operating donors, low-level donor club, and planned giving society. We wanted to see movement across the board.”

—Audra Jesudason, Senior Director of Development Operations, Houston Zoo


You've made it through the new-user guide to getting started with Raiser's Edge NXT. We hope this helped get to know your database better, as well as help you understand where to go when you need help!

What do I do now?

The Customer Success team offers an on-demand resource library as well as monthly live interactive sessions. We're here to help you continually optimize your workflows and help you tackle the busiest of times with seasonal topics.

  • View our lineup of upcoming sessions
  • Explore our on-demand resource library

Have a Blackbaud University Learn® trainingsubscription? Explore the complete list of Raiser's Edge NXT courses for even more courses.

  • Explore the completeRaiser's Edge NXTtraining curriculum
  • View the free eLearning courses
  • Ready for more advanced training to level up your knowledge? Check out our Power User Learning Path.

Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (76)

Lorem Ipsum

People in 164 countries are raising billions for the causes they care about. See how you can, too!

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Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (77)

Lorem Ipsum

People in 164 countries are raising billions for the causes they care about. See how you can, too!

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Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (78)

Lorem Ipsum

People in 164 countries are raising billions for the causes they care about. See how you can, too!

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Get Started with Raiser's Edge NXT (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Views: 6210

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.