Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (2024)

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (1)

Breakfast, Recipes, Sweets | September 5, 2019 | By Nick Abell

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Hockey pucks, door-stoppers, giant balls of flour… These are the things I typically hear when referring to scones. Fortunately, none of these are true of a scone… At least, not a well-prepared scone.

These vegan chocolate chip scones are guaranteed to knock your socks off. We’re talkin’ buttery, crispy-on-the-outside, yet oh-so-moist on the inside realness here.

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (2)

First, I have a confession to make:

I’ve royally angered the scone gods.

Not too long ago, I published a vegan “scone” recipe that was.. Well, wrong.

No, really. I’m not even linking to the posts because they’re that offensive.

Now, don’t get me wrong: the recipes were delicious.. They just weren’t scones; they were cookie recipes.

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (3)

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (4)

So What Should a Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Taste Like!?

After the blunder, I did what any obsessive person would do: I thoroughly researched the topic of scones.

Now, despite their terrible, dry reputation; scones shouldn’t be either too dry or too moist.

In the past, my only introduction to scones were these terribly dense, crumbly messes served at a cafe.. So you can’t really blame me for not having a proper reference.

“Not for me!” I thought to myself as I nearly choked on crumbs (as I’m sure others did as well).

Other times, fearing their dry reputation, people have a tendency to under-bake scones.. resulting in a chewy, soggy mess.

No thank you.


Scones should be slightly browned on the outside, with a bit of crispiness.. All while maintaining inner softness without any under-baking occurring.

It sounds more difficult than it is, but what this comes down to is the dough consistency. The best change I made was learning how to “undermix” the dough, maintaining small pockets of flour.

Any over-mixing, on the contrary, will result in a stereotypical tough scone.. And honestly, a tough scone is better suited for hand-to-hand combat than eating.

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (5)

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe in Existence!

Beside these scones being unbelievably delicious, I can’t believe how easy they are to throw together.

I am happy to say that (other than rolling and cutting), these vegan scones are made almost entirely in a stand mixer! I know I’m not the only one appreciating the simplicity.

(Can I get an amen!?)

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (6)

Here’s the Video Recipe for Vegan Chocolate Chip Scones

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Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (7)

Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe

These vegan chocolate chip scones are guaranteed to knock your socks off. We're talkin' buttery, crispy-on-the-outside, yet oh-so-moist on the inside realness here.

Prep Time20 minutes mins

Cook Time25 minutes mins

Total Time45 minutes mins

Author: Nick @ ServingRealness.com


  • 2 flax eggs 1 Tablespoon ground flaxseed + 3 Tablespoons water per "egg"
  • 1 1/2 sticks vegan butter
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour + more for dusting
  • 1 Tablespoon sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup soy milk
  • 1 cup non-dairy chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 400°F

  • Start by putting the butter in the freezer, this is especially important if your home is warm

  • Otherwise, prepare your flax eggs by whisking ground flaxseeds with water. Let sit for approximately 15 minutes, or until thickened

  • In a stand mixer, incorporate the flour, sugar, and baking powder together on a low speed

    Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (9)

  • Next, cube the butter, pour into flour mixture, and mix on low until butter has become pea-sized

    Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (10)

  • Add the eggs and milk now, and again mix on low for just a moment (until the mixture has barely come together)

  • Finally, add the chocolate chips and mix very quickly once again, the goal being to mix the dough as lightly as possible

    Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (11)

  • On a floured surface, pour out the mixture into a small mound

    Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (12)

  • With your hands, lightly push the outside edges together to begin forming a large ball

  • Turn onto its side a couple of times to get a semi-uniform shape

    Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (13)

  • Now, with a rolling pin, roll the dough out to 3/4" - 1 inch thick.. Reshaping the outer edges as needed to keep round

    Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (14)

  • Now flour a sharp knife and separate dough into 8 equal triangle-shaped pieces

    Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (15)

  • Transfer to a baking tray and bake for 20-24 minutes

  • Remove from oven once slightly golden and let cool on tray for 5 minutes

  • Try not to burn yourself as you devour the deliciousness


Store these babes in a sealed container at room-temperature. That being said, they are best eaten within 48 hours, so some suggest freezing unused dough after it's cut (and obviously rather than baking). Simply toss in the oven when you're ready for it and add an extra 5 minutes or so to compensate for them being frozen.

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Easiest Vegan Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe - Serving Realness (2024)
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